Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Rat Race Is Calling

I hope everyone is enjoying their own version of a Happy Holidays. It has been stated many times in the past by many people that we are all in the rat race of life. We all trudge along on our own personal hamster wheels spending our days and nights trying to maintain our balance. If you happen to change jobs, in reality, you are just jumping onto a new hamster wheel. I suppose the best that we can hope for is to find that particular wheel that suits each of our own personalities and desires with the best fit. In a more perfect world, we would all be happy with our positions in life but too many people are never happy with were they are. Advertizers have convinced most of us that we all need the newest widgit for us to have a happy and fulfilling life. In most cases, this is bullshit. All you really need is yourself and enough clothing and money to be protected from the elements and starvation. If you are fortunate to have a family around you then in most cases you really do have all you need. Don't let the rat race and technology run your life.

I was at work last night and had a group of six women come in and spent the better part of several hours in my busines. During this time, even though there were more than enough people present to have several rounds of rousing conversation, these six women never let more than a four or five minute period of time go by without the necessity of text messaging someone or calling someone, usually with no other purpose than to see what they were doing. Are people really that fucking nosey or are they so insecure that they can not stand the thought of someone doing something or being somewhere that might be more exciting than what they themselves are currently doing. At one point they even joked about how did they ever get by before the advent of cellphones and text messaging. Do we really need to stay in this tight of a correspondence loop with everyone we know. I doubt it. The existence of the free world really does not hang in the balance. Later in the evening, after 1 AM, to be exact, three other customers all came in wearing their Star Trek-like Blue Tooth cell phones in their ears because apartently they are all so important that they need to be in constant contact with fan base but still need both hands free for drinking. At least they have their drinking priorities straight. I can appreciate that.

I predict that within the next couple years that there will be another back to the earth revolution. I think that some people will hopefully realize that they still control their own lives, technology does't. They will discover that they have become captives of a technological world and retake control of their own lives. Heaven to me has become the time when I go out to the country and walk for hours with no phone calls or text messages. No one to bother me and my wife in our all too brief commune with nature. Maybe my wife and I are the strange ones but neither of us desire to be in constant communication with the rest of the world. As the author of this blog, it is obvious that I enjoy technology but I hopefully keep it in its' place and I control it rather than it controlling me. Try regaining your life. Try turning off your cell phone for fifteen minutes once a day. I know it will be hard to do at first but it is a good starting point, and by the way, when you are out with your friends, try paying a little more attention to them and less to your cell phone, it is the polite thing to do. Have a great year filled with peace and love.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Dude Commune

I have been toying with the idea of building a, for lack of a better term, a dude commune or visitation commune on some property that my wife and I own outside of town. The purpose of this would be for world weary people to come and regenerate themselves for 3 or 4 days. When the visitors checked in they surrender their cell phones and beepers and begin a period of technological celebacy. There would be no television or radio or telephones readily available. For this would be a time to regenerate your soul or inner self in you prefer. A time to relax and get back in touch with yourself and your loved ones. You could spend your days walking in the country, playing in a creek, hot-tubbing, getting a massage, helping in the herb garden, star gazing at night and simply contemplating your navel or reading a book. Anything would be allowed except for communication with the outside world. The food would be simple, healthy, delicious and nourishing. There would be plenty of privacy and no silly organized, required activities. You want to lay naked in the sunshine and get a tan, skinny dip in the creek, no problem. You want to take a second honeymoon with your spouse, make love under the stars on the deck of your cabin, no problem. Life here will be simple and good, like the world should be. No stress, no demands, just relax and put your brain back together.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

To Pube, or Not To Pube

Years ago, back in the 60's and 70's, most women (99%), over the age of puberty had a field of luxurious curlies garnishing their nether regions. Admittedly, some may have have gone overboard in this department. I remember one young lady that brought visions of a machete or weed wacker to mind. Most women did keep them trimmed nicely but not waxed clean as is the fashion today. I guess you could say that there is some merits in the truth in advertising method that is in vogue now but there was a degree of mystery in the bushes of days gone by. What wonders were being hidden behind that soft carpet of twisted fur? Some of them quite frankly don't need to see the light of day, a little camouflage would definitely help. There is one woman that I know that between the razor-rash, five o'clock stubble and the fact that she looks like she has been hit with an axe would definitely benefit from a little bush. Maybe it is just a liberal political statement, No More Bush, who knows. If nothing else, the pedophiles of the world should be happy as most women now look like they are nine years old again. If you are going to clean up your crotch, then I would suggest waxing as an alternative to shaving. It's neater, smoother and you would have to go through the ordeal nearly as often. But what is wrong with a little fur? You should look like a woman, not a little girl. Check out this video and you will see what I mean about the situation, .

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Yup, I Was Right

I just came back from a trip to buy some incense, patchouli, if you are interested, from the little shop I mentioned in my last posting yesterday. I asked how their Salvia Divinorum sales were going and they told me that they were through the roof. They said the only thing that the news coverage accomplished was giving them lots of free advertising. The few people that used to buy Salvia came in to buy more before it sold out or disappeared and lots of other people that did not even know of the existence of the shop or of Salvia have been in to check it out and to purchase some. If you are wondering, I did not buy any as I am naturally high on life and don't need any help. Peace and love till later.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Inadvertant Advertising

A little over a week ago, a local television station was hyping one of their local news features for the evening broadcast. There tag line was something along the lines of "Local Store selling potent hallucigen!" As I had to go to work before the evening news broadcast, I asked my wife to watch the program to find out what was being sold and where. After the news, she called me and told me that the news story was about Salvia Divinorum, an herb grown in Mexico, central America, and Hawaii. It contains a pyschedelic compontent known as Salvinorum A. It can be chewed or smoked and from what I have read, it is found to be very unpleasant by most people who experiment with it. The herb is completely legal in the United States as are Nutmeg and Morning Glory seeds, two other common products that you can trip on if you are so inclined. If you are more interested in it and its nauseating side effects, check out for more information. Back to the news story. It seems that a local shop that sells, posters, incense, beaded curtains, tee shirts and the like was indeed selling the herb. As it is completely legal and most likely 99.9 % of our local population did not know of it's existence, there it sat on the shelf, almost no one knowing it was there. But the television station trotted out a list of local people who were outraged that such a substance was for sale in our fair community and of course, the city should do something to protect us from this demon. Made me think of the 1937 movie Reefer Madness. The afternoon before this program aired, virually no one knew of it's present, I certainly didn't and have been in that shop many times, and thanks to the stations free advertising, now thousands knew about this psychedelic herb for sale, right here in river city, my friends. Sometimes I think people would be better off if we were not quite so well informed by the well meaning do-gooders of our society. Maybe there is an upside to this, instead of our youth looking for an illegal six pack of beer or bottle of booze, the well meaning television station has now informed them about a legal pyschedelic they can all take. Sometimes I wonder and other times, I just don't know. Peace and love until next time.