Every now and then I will write a posting that does not have a social commentary or point to it. It will just be a story from my past. This is one of those.
It was a warm day in late spring with beautiful blue skies. Sounds like the opening to an old Dragnet series, doesn't it? As you may have assumed from my Amy From Austin posting I have been into photography for a long time, actually I began as a child back in the 1950's. I have met a large number of women over the years that I have had the priviledge to photograph. This young lady came to me through a mutual friend back in the very early 1990's. She and her husband were from a small town about 40 or 50 miles from where I lived at the time. Her husband first approached me while we were shooting in the country on some property that I owned. He asked about shooting her in the nude. He wanted to know what she would have to do as she was 'shy' to ask herself. I told him that it was easy, she had to take her clothing off. I have always been amazed at how many women are shy about talking about being photographed in the nude and once the clothing comes off, they don't seem to care if it ever goes back on. There was one woman I knew that wanted me to shoot some nudes of her in my studio. I set up the background while she changed into a very loose fitting robe. I had her continue to wear the robe while I did the final lighting adjustments and exposure reading with her in the correct position. When I was ready to shoot her I asked her to remove the garment that she was wearing. At this point, she quietly asked me to turn around. I asked her to repeat her statement as I did not her her. Once more she told me to turn around as I was not going to watch her undress. What the hell, it's her time and money so I turned around. Moments later she was ready to shoot and I turned around to find her totally naked, lying in the position that we had discussed. For the next 45 minutes we shot various poses, all nude. At the end of the shoot, she once again asked me to turn away from her so that she could put her clothing back on. A few days later, she came into studio to look at her proofs and picked several of the images. As she was leaving, she remarked that she couldn't wait th get the finished images so she could sh
ow all of her friends. Are you scratching your head yet, I was. I digress, meanwhile back to the couple, as I said, she was too shy to ask me herself about shooting in the altogether so she had her husband ask the all important question. At the end of our brief conversation, he disappeared into the old farmhouse where I had been photographing her at an old window. Within a minute or two, his wife appeared at the glassless window were I had been shooting her clothed just a few minutes before. The only difference was this time the only thing she was wearing was a smile. We shot at the house for a few more minutes and then she wanted to venture down to the creek which flowed rather idyllica
lly about 100 yards away. She took to the creek like the preverbial duck to water. I have photographed a great number of women over the last 40 years or so but I must admit, this young lady was one of the most beautiful women I ever had the priviledge to work with. Her husband was understandably proud of her and completely cool. She was one of the most natural posing people that I have ever photographed. Once she took her clothing off, she became completely comfortable with herself. She truly was a little nymph. She had a quality about her that was rare, she was completely at ease and never carried herself with any airs of being anything special. She was just what she was, thats all. She would have been right at home at Woodstock and pictured her there many times in my mind. We finished our shoot and headed back into town, I took plenty of time loading my equipment back into the back of my SUV in orfer to give her plenty of time to dry off and get changed. She was in the back seat and her husband was in the front. We drove down the lane to leave the farm and reached the gate at the main road. Her husband jumped out and opened it for me. We then headed the 6 or 7 mile
s back into town. When we were almost back to the city, I happened to glance into the back seat and noticed that this young lady was just now starting to put her clothing back on. She had been just sitting back there, window open and enjoying the breeze. I continued to photograph this young lady over the next several years and used her many times as a model in photgraphy workshops that I held from time to time. I always considered myself very lucky to work with this young model, who wouldn't. As this has been a rather cool, windy winter day, I hope these images have helped warm you up and removed the winters' chill.