Every now and then I will relay a story or incident from my youth. This is one of those stories.
The young women of thirty-five or forty years ago were much different from today. They were much more relaxed with a take me as I am attitude. People in general did not have as much personal drama going for them aas they do today. Maybe Viet Nam gave us all the drama we needed at that time. I get to watch people all night long at my business and it is my observation that people are going out of their way to find drama. "Did you hear the way she said hello to me tonight. Well what crawled up her ass?" People today microanalize everything that is said to them looking for potential flaws in the delivery. Women are particularly prone to this. Back in the day, people were not as sensitive as they are today. Society was much more laid back and casual. Sort of "What you see is what you get." I am not saying that they did not find cause to find problems with people from time to time, they certainly did but in everyday life, they were more genuine than some of the women today. They did not feel like they had to have and present some preconceived image of themselves to the world. I guess natural would be a better term to describe them. As this young coed, a college student from Austin, Texas demonstrates, there is a beauty in the simplicity of her dress. The obligitory bell bottom pants and tee shirt. The plain beauty of naturalness with very little or no make-up at all. I met this girl in the fall of 1970 while I was walking around my college campus one Friday afternoon before Homecoming. just taking pictures of people getting ready for the festivities of the looming weekend. My girlfriend at that time was busy finishing up the final preparations on her sorority's homecoming float. I ran across Amy as she was also walking around the campus. She had driven up to our city to meet some friends only to find that they had left her alone and opted to go out of town themselves for the weekend. People were thoughtless and inconsiderate then as well as today. She was just killing time while she was deciding what she was going to do with herself for the weekend. When I saw her, I asked if I could take a couple of pictures of her and she initially declined saying stating that she was camera shy. I let it go at that and we talked for a few minutes while she told me of being stood up by her friends. She then went her way and I thought that was that. About ten minutes later she found me once more and said that she had been thinking about my photo offer and decided to let me photograph her. I asked her what had changed her mind and she said that it was that when I asked, she said no, and I had let it go at that. It was my nonthreatening, whatever, attitude that relaxed her. She nervously asked me what she had to do and I told her nothing, I would just snap some pictures when I liked the image. I have always been in favor of environmental, non-posed photographs. I snapped a few images of her and as the light was fading, I suggested we go back to my department where there was a small studio set up in the corner of one of the lab classrooms. That is where the above images were recorded. As there were a good number of students walking in and out of the room watching us from time to time, Amy asked if we could go somewhere else as this was making her nervous. She suggested that we go back to the rent house of her friends as they had left her a key. I gathered up my equipment and off we went to their rent house on Eleventh Street. As soon as she got inside the house her personality changed, she immediately began removing her clothing and told me to hurry up and set up my photo equipment. She had obviously conquered her camera shyness. She told me while undressing that she decided that she may never feel this comfortable or have this opportunity again. By the time I was ready, she was sitting under a blanket on the couch wearing no more than her birthday suit and waiting for her panty lines to disappear. As it was in the fall and it was cool in the house, I turned up the Dearborn heater in hte room to take the chill off of the air. We didn't want to shoot goosepimples. As soon as the room had warmed up we began shooting. Amy posessed a very atheletic physique with pale white skin and somewhat small, but beautifully rounded breasts with small puffy pink nipples that sat high and proudly on her chest. Her pubic region was covered in well groomed dark hair as was the fashion of the day, not the closely cropped and waxed nether regions that are in vogue today. Her legs were lean and showed beautiful muscle definition. We shot and talked until I ran out of film. After we had been finished shooting for a while, Amy said, "well I guess I had better put some clothing back on". She had been strolling around the room talking and seemingly totally oblivious to her state of undress. No, if you are wondering, we did not do anything other than talk and take pictures, sorry. I left shortly thereafter to go back to the darkroom to develop the images that we had made. We met early Saturday morning for Amy to view the images and choose her favorites as I told her I would print some for her. She gave me her address in Austin and I agreed to send them to her
in the next few days. I also agreed that no one would see the nudes that I took of her that day except for her and anyone that she chose to show back in Austin. That was thirty six years ago and I am still keeping my word to her even today. Sorry, there won't be any of those photos in this posting. Amy and I continued to correspond over the next two years or so but I never saw her again. She did tell me however, that after photographing with me, and getting over her problems with posing, that she continued to pose for other photographers in Austin area. It seems that you never know what you will really like until you try it .

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